Q-MAX™ SG-100
High Performance Water Reducing Superplasticizer (PCE based)


High performance water reducing superplasticizer is based on polycarboxylic ether (by PCE). QMAX SG 100 has been developed to reduce water demand while mixing concrete chloride free. The product is specially designed to improve workability without increasing water. Water reduction has significant effect on improving compressive strengths and durability.


  • For general concrete structures of civil and architectures
  • To improve workability without increasing water
  • To enhance compressive strengths and durability of concrete


Optimizations / Approvals

  • KS F 2560
  • ASTM C-494 Type B, D & G
  • EN 934-2: T3.1/3.2
  • IS 9103



250 kg/DRUM, Tank Lorry

Features / Advantages

  • High water reducing effect - up to 25%
  • Water reduction significantly improves compressive strengths and long term durability
  • Obtains required workability and slump with reducing water have effect on reducing cement quantity
  • As it is chloride free, high resistance from corrosion condition is achieved in reinforce concrete structures
  • Highly effective for constraining of concrete crack, drying shrinkage & bleeding
  • Reducing slump loss in place and delivery of concrete
  • Workability especially where difficult placing conditions are encountered and to obtain dense concrete
  • No segregation within congestion in reinforcement area and complicated shape structures
  • Long workability with extended setting

Technical Information

Chemical base Modified Polycarboxylic ether
Aspect Light brown liquid
Relative Density 1.05 ± 0.02 at 25° C
pH ≥ 6
Chloride ion content < 0.2%

Recommended Dosage

Normally, dosage recommended range of QMAX SG 100 is 0.5 ~2.0 % per unit weight of cement content and not more than 5% of cement content. Though the recommended range of dosage and the optimum dosage of QMAX SG 100 should always be determined by trial mixes design of concrete because of variations in concrete materials, site conditions and weather conditions.


  • In case of mixing with other content or adding with an agent with QMAX SG 100, prior consultation with QMAX engineer is required.
  • In case of using abnormal over range dosage, prior consultation with QMAX engineer is required as well. Do not dosage more than 5% into cement content.
  • Please refer to our MADS specified in detail described on environment, safety & health issues